A Statment of Solidarity with Ecological Movement of Guatemala.
The Global Young Greens express all our solidarity against of the serious political attack against the members of the Ecological Movement of Guatemala. A few
After GYG Congress Online in 2022, the next GYG Congress 2023 will be held in South Korea!
ecological sustainability
Social Justice
Grassroots Democracy
The Global Young Greens (GYG) is an emerging global organisation supporting and consolidating the efforts of young people working towards social justice, ecological sustainability, grassroots democracy and peace. GYG is a joint project of over 90 youth organisations and many hundreds of individuals, including the Federation of Young European Greens, Asia Pacific Young Greens Network, Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe, Young Volunteers for the Environment and others
The Global Young Greens express all our solidarity against of the serious political attack against the members of the Ecological Movement of Guatemala. A few
Have you got experience working in Young Green organisations and are you interested in being part of a global, grassroots, youth-led organisation? Vacancies: Oversight Committee:
GYG is dedicated to contribute to a more inclusive society for all genders and fight against the patriarchy systems. The Liberation for all genders could
Global Young Greens strongly condemn the arrest of Disha Ravi on February 13th. Disha Ravi is a 21 year old Climate Activist and founder of
thank you to everyone who joined our reception. you can watch the entire program on facebook in case you have missed it. Also here you
Alexey Navalny is a leader and a symbol of Russian opposition. The Wall Street Journal described him as “the man Vladimir Putin fears most”. In
“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good people.” Martin Luther King
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