Since our foundation at the Global Greens Congress in Nairobi in 2009, Global Young Greens has devoted significant energy towards building up and sustaining a truly global and inclusive network. We have faced a number of challenges, and we have learned from them and are determined to turn them to our best advantages.
The difficulties we faced have been mainly due to different organisational structures of Green youth organizations all over the world. While in Europe there is a strong network of well-established Green youth organizations, and a well funded network to coordinate them, in Asia, America and Africa the structures are much looser.
Global Young Greens has an opportunity. Working on an international level has never been as easy as it is now: with internet connection available across the world, learning, sharing, campaigning and working tools have never been cheaper and easier to access. Utilising these tools, GYG has the potential to offer inspiring knowledge exchange and skills transferbetween its member organizations, and to help them evolve by to planning and coordinating transnational events and campaigns across the globe.
To achieve this, a lively and engaged network of young activists and an organizational structure that allows for effective decision making is needed. This congress will be the kick-off for relaunching GYG and making the organization more effective, active, and politically relevant than ever before. We want to modernize our structures to correspond to the realities of a globalized world. The goal of the congress is to assemble engaged activist from around the world to build a committed team and connected network that an international Young Greens movement needs.
We will discuss, among other topics:
- Necessary changes of internal structures to make sure that people who are engaged can devote all their energy to important projects, whereas those who are unable to contribute further to the development of the organization can make their positions free for those who have new ideas and bring in new energy.
- Tools for online participatory democratic decision making, in order to enable the organization and its members to react rapidly to a changing world.
- The usage of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to communicate to a broader audience and to realize more concrete short-term projects in the education sector.
- The usage of online media-networks and the opportunities for building up our own journalist-platform, similar to the Ecosprinter, where interested individuals, members and non-members of Green youth can write about Green issues, share their experience and ideas.
- Ways to communicate with lager international youth networks and in general, international and regional organizations such as the UN, the OAS, the African Union, ASEAN or the Council of Europe