#GYG17 will be a great event – but it can’t be done for free. In particular, our member organisations from the Global South are likely to face considerable difficulties to secure enough funding in order to enable their delegates to take part.
As Young Greens, we strive for inclusivity and we want to have the most representative event possible. How would a congress which is representative of the global population look like in practice? If all other things were equal, and attendance at GYG was representative of the global population, the delegate breakdown would like approximately this way:
- Asia-Pacific: 60.2%
- Africa: 16.4%
- Americas: 13.5%
- Europe: 9.9%
Although we are far from reaching this goal in practice – not at last due to the fact that the congress takes place in Europe this year -, we want to enable each of our member organisation to send at least one representative.
Here is how you can help us to make it happen:
- Donate
The easiest way to support us is to donate directly to the GYG account. You can decide to either donate from your organisation’s yearly budget or make an extra collection among your members for this specific occasion. All our donors are subsequently listed on our website and get a mention on social media and the planned outgoing communications. For more information on how to donate and our donation policy, please look here.
- Take part in the buddy system
Through the buddy system we link delegates and organisations from the Global North with their counterparts from the Global South. On a one for one basis, organisations from the Global North try to raise funds to cover travel costs for delegates coming from Global South in their respective countries of origin. Be it through direct donations from your members, collecting and selling used stuff like books or clothes or organizing a concert of your local band – we leave that up to you!
In any case, the buddy system is a great and unique opportunity to get to know delegates from across the world and start making friendships even before the congress. Learn more about it here.
- Talk to your MPs, MEPs, local councillors or Green supporters
Do you have good links to your MEP, Green MP, local councillor, or simply a Green supporter? Do you know Greens who particularly stand up for youth support or have a remarkable young activist history themselves? Tell them about the buddy system, forwards us their contact details, or ask them if they would be willing to support GYG17 in any way.
- Share your ideas, tips and tricks with us
We have been in touch with a large number of Green foundations all over the world. However, we still may have overlooked potential donors. Tips and tricks who to approach and how are always welcome!
- Spread the word
Sharing is caring and even more so this time. Forwarding our newsletter to your members (check the last one here), sharing posts on your organisation’s facebook page or twitter account or simply telling your friends that #GYG17 is happening, helps us raise awareness gets us closer to potential donors, small or big.
List too short? If you have more ideas or questions on how the member organisations can support GYG17, do not hesitate to let us know at zuzana@globalyounggreens.org. We thank you for your time and your help!