Welcome to the delegate space for the GYG congress in Incheon, South Korea! Here, you can find all things congress-related from practical information to voting processes.



Statutory processes that will take place at GYG congress include:

  1. Amendments to the GYG Organisational Principles
  2. Election of the GYG Steering Committee members. 
  3. Election of the GYG Oversight Committee members. 
  4. Emergency amendments. 
  5. Any Other Business. 

Please find a comprehensive guide of statutory processes at the GYG congress here. This contains important information regarding key processes. 


Key deadlines* are detailed below: 

*Please note that this timeline was updated on 29 May following a decision to extend deadlines.


Deadline for

February 2023

Member Organisations are requested to register their delegates.

Wednesday 10 May

Member Organisations are requested to confirm their delegates (if not confirmed already). 

00:00 UTC, Thursday 8 June

Eligible groups submit draft amendments via the online tool


Delegations can also express support for amendments already submitted. 

00:00 UTC, Thursday 8 June

Deadline to submit candidacies to GYG statutory bodies. 

Friday 9 June

GYG Oversight Committee to send out all draft documents and candidacies to be voted on at congress. 

12:00 (local Korean time), Wednesday 7 June

Emergency amendments to be submitted. 

00:00 UTC, 8 June

Deadline for Member Organisations to register to vote in GYG elections

9-11 June (local Korean time), Friday 9 June

GYG statutory sessions at congress (see programme).

13 June 

Voting opens for GYG elections.


30 June

Updated GYG Organisational Principles published.


Please consult  our amendments tool and accompanying statutory guide for all information concerning votes taking place at congress. 

  1. Election Candidates Applications. Extended Deadline for Submission of Candidacies: GYG Steering Committee and Oversight CommitteePlease submit your candidacies via this form. Deadline 0̶0̶:̶0̶0̶ ̶U̶T̶C̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶2̶4̶ ̶M̶a̶y̶  00:00 UTC, Thursday 8 June

  2. Amendments to the GYG Organisational PrinciplesGYG Member Organisations are invited to submit amendments via our amendments tool (Extended)  Deadline  ̶0̶0̶:̶0̶0̶ ̶U̶T̶C̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶2̶4̶ ̶M̶a̶y̶ 00:00 UTC, Thursday 8 June


☝🏽 Reminder: Register a Voting Representative: 00:00 UTC, Thursday 8



If you have any questions about the above information, please don’t hesitate to contact congress2023@globalyounggreens.org.00:00 UTC, June 8