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Global Greens & Global Young Greens statement on accessibility of COP26

Now, with less than a month to go, COP26 is in real danger of becoming the most exclusive and potentially the least inclusive COP ever.

 Global Greens and Young Global Greens are being directly impacted by vaccine inequality, funding shortfalls, quarantine, and visa backlogs.

 The government of the UK has missed all of its self-imposed deadlines to provide access to vaccines for millions of people in poorer countries, predominantly in the Global South.

 The costs for travel and accommodations to COP26 in Glasgow are skyrocketing!

 All this comes after repeated promises by the UK government that it will deliver, “the most inclusive COP ever.” It is now abundantly clear that delivering a safe, inclusive, and just conference for all, is not going to happen. It is simply impossible in the current timeframe.

 The Global Greens and Global Young Greens strongly condemn the UK government’s failure to insure the accessibility of COP26. This failure is particularly devastating to those on the frontlines of the climate change battle and to those in the Global South.

 Whilst Global Greens and Global Young Greens welcome the UK’s moves to simplify its travel rules, and its willingness to provide funding for hotel quarantine, many of these measures are too little and too late.

 Global Greens and Global Young Greens will continue to forefront the voices of the Global South communities and climate activists in all of their activities in Glasgow.

 We still need your help in bringing our gender balanced, ethnically diverse, climate warrior, Global Green delegates to COP26. Please click on the following link to donate whatever you can to help these voices be heard in Glasgow!

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