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Gregorio Blanca and Stephanie Cabovianco at COP25.

On behalf of Global Young Greens, our companion Stephanie Cabovianco from Argentina and Oversight Committee Member Gregorio Blanca from Venezuela were present to take part in important negotiations on youth and climate activism for the planet and the Americas specifically. We are so proud to have had them there on our behalf, amongst many other young green activists!

Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Much of this year’s discussions revolved around the technical aspects of global carbon market regulation and how to balance emissions reduction with the European Union and many developing countries. In spite of putting pressure on countries to reach an agreement, it did not come to pass at this summit.

Article 6 of the Paris Agreement refers to carbon dioxide markets and the development of mechanisms to exchange emissions rights between countries and companies to compensate for the expulsion of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This point has become one of the most contested and has already caused delay since COP24, held last year in Katowice, Poland. Unfortunately, its resolution for COP25 was postponed once again and we now all have to wait another year.

Social Climate Summit – the alternative Climate Summit organised by NGOs in parallel to the COP.

Whilst the lack of consensus frustrated numerous negotiators, as well as the NGOs, activists and scientists who participated in COP25, the event proved as an invaluable meeting point for experts to present arguments based on evidence that urges leaders to act without delay, such as reports indicating that we have reached record temperatures in 2019 and that carbon dioxide emissions will reach historic highs.

Parallel to the negotiations, the social COP/Cumbre Social gave voice to the call from civil society, which was perhaps the most energising aspect of the 2019 COP. The Cumbre Social brought together youth led by Greta Thunberg and the Fridays For Future movement, indigenous groups, NGOs, Extinction Rebellion, Unions and Green political parties, all of whom highlighted that hope is in the hands of the people who have woken up and have the determination to reach a consensus: to act. #ClimateJusticeNOW!

Author: Gregorio Blanca

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