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About the Global Young Greens

The Global Young Greens is an emerging youth-led organization supporting and uniting the efforts of young people from a green-alternative spectrum around the world. We work towards ecological sustainability, social justice, grassroots democracy and peace.

Our objectives are

  •    to empower young people within the framework of participatory democracy,
  •    to create a space for young people to be active,
  •    to forge strong links between young green organizations and individuals,
  •    to further the Green principles on planet Earth.

Our activities include finding opportunities for young people to get involved in our work, linking individuals and organizations with each other for various purposes as well as carrying on campaigns as GYG.

What is the GYG Steering Committee?

The Steering Committee is the second highest decision-making body of the Global Young Greens which is why it is important to have both experienced and active people involved. Its primary responsibility is to implement decisions of the Congress and to steer the network on behalf of its members. The Steering Committee is regionally and gender balanced, and consists of at least 50% women per region.

The next Steering Committee will be elected by the Global Young Greens congress 2017 in Liverpool, taking place between March 30 and April 2nd. The amount of Steering Committee Members will be decided there.

How to apply?

You should complete the candidate statement and send it to before April 1st 2017, 10:30 AM BST. We encourage candidates to join the congress where you present yourself briefly. If you are not able to attend, we would like to receive a short video in which you introduce yourself.

Your candidate statement should explain your experience as well as motivation and include a description of how you want to participate in developing GYG.

More information please contact

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