Join our Communication and public relations team!

Location of congress: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Dates of the congress: 30th March – 2nd April 2017
Dates of the preparation meeting: end 2016/beginning 2017 (tbd)
Deadline for applying: 12th of June 2016, 12 PM Central European Time


The Global Young Greens is an emerging youth-led organization supporting and uniting the efforts of young people from a green-alternative spectrum around the world. It works towards (1) ecological sustainability, (2) social justice, (3) grassroots democracy and (4) peace.

The Global Young Greens were established in the year 2007 by a team of like-minded young people from all over the world while attending the World Social Forum in Nairobi, Kenya. The establishment of GYG also served as the first GYG Congress. The subsequent congresses were in Berlin in 2010 and in Dakar in 2012.

Currently, the Steering Committee of GYG is planning a fourth congress in Liverpool, UK. This congress will take place simultaneously with the congress of the Global Greens, the European Green Party and the Green Party of England and Wales. This will become the biggest gathering of Greens ever taking place. We are happy to be part of it!

The core aims of the congress

  • Enhance and empower the network between young green activist and organisations around the world.
  • Work on one green vision and an action plan for the Global Young Greens
  • Strengthen capacity of Federations from the South and provide capacity building opportunities
  • Exchange green skills, experiences, tips and tricks.
  • Elect a new Steering Committee for all four federations.

Prep-team info

The membership of the preparatory team will be based on a consideration of geographical and gender balance as well as solid experience in the field. We strive to find at least one member from the Global South and at least one member should be from the Young Greens of England and Wales. One member of the GYG Steering Committee will be part of the team.

The prep-team will have two real-life meetings, end 2016/beginning 2017 (exact dates to be confirmed) and one prior to the seminar itself. In between the meetings, the members of the prep-team will communicate through a special mailing list and Skype conferences.

The prep-team will also be in continued and consistent contact with the GYG Steering Committee, the Federation of Young European Greens and the other federations, the Young Greens of England and Wales and the prep-team for the Global Greens Congress and EGP Congress.

The preparatory team will consist of five to seven people. Every member of the prep-team has to fulfil a certain task. The following description gives you an overview over the different requirements.

Profile of the prep-team Member

  • The prep-team will be in charge of the implementation of the event (food, sleeping location, transportation, etc).
  • The prep-team members will select participants, prepare them for the congress and provide them with the necessary information for the congress. The prep-team will also prepare the sessions, such as organizing speakers, debates and/or workshops.
  • We are looking for young people between the ages of 18-35 who are interested in global green politics and/or involved in local, regional or national green youth politics.
  • You need to be an individual member of GYG or a member of a GYG Member Organisation.
  • Applicants should be available for the planning and implementation throughout the whole process.
  • In the prep-team, we need people with experience in: administration and finance (reporting, fundraising, budgets and reimbursement), webmaster/design, management of youth events (informal education techniques and coordination), event promotion, planning and monitoring. If you have any of the following skills or experience, please indicate in your application.
  • The prep-team work will be conducted in English, thus proficiency in English as a working language is mandatory.

How to apply?

If you are a young green activist and interested in applying for the prep-team, please send your motivation letter and brief CV to by the 12th of June 2016 at 12 PM CET. You can also use this email address if you have any further questions. An endorsement letter by a Young Green Federation or Young Green Party is not necessary but desirable.

Yours sincerely,

Antoine, Onur, Michaela, Jeroni, Daisy, Mansur, Zane, Rose, Tanya and Bernardo
Global Young Greens Steering Committee

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