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In 2013, 23 Million people had to leave their homes because of natural catastrophes. This number is three times more than that of people who become refugees as a result of conflict. Because of climate change, natural catastrophes such as typhoons hurricanes or floods happen more often and more violently every year.
Climate change is real and we can already feel its consequences. As young people, we are the “future generation” politicians have talked about for years, postponing their action against climate change as a result. We are the ones going to face the terrible consequences of climate change.

On September 22nd, 2014 UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon invited all Heads of State and government to New York for climate change dialogue. The declarations, the speeches that our Heads of State will issue are crucial for the future of climate negotiations towards  a binding agreement to fight climate change.

All citizens of the world need to stand up and  put pressure on our governments. This is why all around the globe, many organizations drawn from the civil society have gathered to organize marches against climate change on the 21st of September.

Between September 19th and 21st, The World Climate March will gather millions of citizens all around the globe, creating the biggest global mobilization for climate.

Find and join your march here !

During the march, take pictures of Young Greens fighting for Climate in your country and send them here !

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