The Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) gathered for their General Assembly in Strasbourg and elected three new GYG Steering Committee Members: Jeroni, Onur and Antoine.
Take a look at their portrait !
Onur Fidangul
Turkey, European Region
Student of Conflict Resolution and Social Change at Bennington College in Vermont, USA, Onur has been active in Greens as a Member of Young Greens of Turkey, Green and Left Future Party and served as an Executive Committee Member and Advisory Committe Member for Federation of Young European Greens.
Onur worked for Greenpeace Mediterranean in Istanbul, Tel Aviv and Ramallah as well Greenpeace EU Unit in Brussels on Climate / Energy, Fisheries Policy and Youth Coordination. Onur has also been internationally and locally advocating for the rights of LGBT+ individuals with International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commissions (IGLHRC) and Social Policies, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Studies Association (SPoD).
Jeroni Vergeer
Netherlands, European Region
jeroni @
Jeroni Vergeer, Jeroni is 26 years old and live in Amsterdam. She works for the local greens in the city council. For many many years, she has been active in young greens, on a local, national and European level. She finds it very interesting to meet young greens from everywhere and hear their stories and achievements. She truly believes that greens from all over the world should cooperate to be stronger and more successful. She has many passions that she wants to fight for, such as human rights, global solidarity, equal chances, fair food system, LGBT and women’s rights and anti-discrimination.
Antoine Tifine
France, European Region
antoine @
Living in Saint-Denis, France, Antoine is a member of Jeunes Écologistes, French Young Greens, since 2011. After being the coordinator of local groups in Normandy, he has been a member of the National Executive Committee for 2 years. Antoine is studying Political Science in Paris, he is fond of theater and culture.