by Nuzhat Nobia (Pakistan)
Pakistan is a developing country where a list of things need to be improved. Many detailed survey reports have revealed the fact that the poor can only access food once in a day. The incalculable number of people living below the poverty line is an alarming situation for the country itself as well the entire world.

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Pakistan is an agricultural economy where poverty should not exist but in reality it does exist. Pakistan is one of those countries which exports cotton, mangoes, sugarcanes, oranges and so many other things on a very large scale basis. Pakistan is also very famous for its world class football industry from where footballs are exported throughout the world. Despite the above mentioned conveniences, the monster of poverty is still uncontrollable. Though according to a national survey report, Pakistan has enough food to feed its masses three square meals a day nonetheless the monster of starvation, malnourishment, undernourishment, famine and food insecurity continues to haunt the poor.
The government should take serious notice of this issue and take certain measures to save its people from dying. Several people have committed suicide so far because of the inability to feed their children and families. This is an eye opener for the government and for every person who believes in humanity and equality. The state should take steps to increase the purchasing power of the poor through providing productive employment leading to rising income to build good standards of living. The State should also give financial support to farmers, by giving food subsidies to prevent starvation and hopefully bring an end to poverty. Despite the efforts by the government and many non government organizations to eradicate poverty there is need to appreciate and embrace the fact that the most essential thing is to find out the root cause of this issue.
The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s)
Non-governmental organizations have been doing a remarkable job to eliminate poverty over the years. NGO’s should point out the root causes of poverty and give suggestions to the government on how to cope with the issue. They should also make sure that funds provided by the administration are used for the correct purposes and in a much more sustainable way. They should also point out any mishandling of the allocated of funds, strengthen and regularize the accountability mechanism, and publish their annual reports so that everyone can be aware of the issues going on in the country.
Personal suggestions
Ending poverty is indeed a multifaceted as well as complex process. It is not likely to be solved overnight. It takes years and even decades. However the passion and determination of the people is bringing about progress to a large extent.
To end poverty, I conclude by listing some suggestions:
- We should promote sustainable agriculture with which the poor can get a chance to earn a living.
- We should stabilize and control our natural resources for our future generations.
- People living in poverty can hold the government accountable if the political influence is advanced.
- The quality of public education should be enhanced for all children without any discrimination as well as support the youth to bring change towards poverty-free country.
- Women and girls can contribute to end poverty up to a very large extent therefore it is essential to end violence against them; they should have freedom to utilise their potential.
- Rural women should have the right to access land.
- To improve food security and sustainable agriculture the marginalised and small land holding farmers must have strong support from the government.