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Dear Global Young Greens,

After a long period of screening countless applications and choosing the most qualified candidates, we are delighted to nominate our two GYG participants to the FYEG Winter Camp: Uma Sigdel from Nepal and Tanya Gutmanis from Canada will attend the event in Finland and represent GYG to young Green people from all over Europe. Read their personal introductions and motivation here!

Tanya is from Canada

Tanya Gutmanis

My motivation to participate in the FYEG Wintercamp in Finland stems from 3 underlying reasons; to expand my knowledge of the EU and the actors involved, to learn successful tactics and procedures from the FYEG to bring back to Canada, and to strengthen networks and ties with European GYG SC members in order to share ideas and further develop GYG as a whole

1) To broaden my knowledge of the European Union (EU), particularly to gain a better understanding of the institutions and actors involved, how important decisions are made within the EU, and to further develop my understanding of the EU crisis and learn how members can work together to move forward in a positive direction

2) The FYEG is the strongest network of Young Greens across the globe, and I would love nothing more than to delve into the FYEG culture, learn the ins and outs of the Federation – how it is structurally organized, how decisions are made, etc., and to adopt certain tactics and procedures from the FYEG and implement them to the Young Greens of Canada in an effort to help the Canadian Young Greens thrive and prosper like that of our fellow EGP friends.

3) I would like to strengthen my relationships and networks with my fellow EU GYG SC members, to discuss the future of GYG and to develop a plan of implementation regarding how the EU GYG SC members can work together and collaborate with the American GYG SC members.

Uma is from Nepal

Uma Sigdel

Namaste! This is Uma Sigdel from a naturally and culturally privileged South Asian country, Nepal. I am extremely happy to be chosen as one of the participants to attend FYEG Winter Camp in Finland. Since I am an environ activist, student and a researcher who is working at Youth Alliance for Environment(YAE), a youth led organization in Nepal, I am looking forward to have much productive time, sharing and interacting with the European Green minded Youths and get back home with some new and concrete ideas and knowledge to work on with.

I am taking FYEG winter camp as a platform, indeed an opportunity to explore and challenging at the same time. I will be representing GYG as a whole and will definitely explore and contribute the best of I can. For me, this is definitely going to be an outstanding time, learning and strengthening the relation, and associating GYG,GYG SC and FYEG to run the constructive projects in the days to come. And as I believe ,sharing matters. So, hereby I assure everyone that I will be sharing much of all the things, that comes as an output from the camp.

Cheers to the GYG Family.

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