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Dear GYG Members,

I am writing to let you know that I have resigned as one of the elected members for the Asia-Pacific region on the GYG Steering Committee. The main reason for my resignation is that I have been unable to find the time necessary to commit to the role of Steering Committee representative. I really believe in the work of GYG and it is for that reason that I want to ensure that the SC is made up of the most committed people.

The decision to resign was not taken lightly.  The Steering Committee is made up of incredibly inspiring people and I kept getting enthused by the actions proposed, ideas generated and visions shared amongst us all. I was reluctant to pass up the opportunity to continue to work closely with them all.However, it is for this reason that I believe it is critical that someone else be elected to the SC to represent the Asia-Pacific region who has the time to really give it their all.

If you’re from the Asia-Pacific I would really encourage you to consider whether you would like to become more involved with GYG through the SC.The work involved is paid off a hundred-fold in the opportunities that will be opened up to you and the invaluable insights that you will gain into what it takes to make a global group like this work.  Needless to say, the potential for the work of GYG to make change is enormous.

I gave some thought to how I could remain active in GYG, without being on the SC and I thought that these ideas were worth sharing with the Membership as I think it important that Membership remain active and do not leave all the work to SC.

  • SC should generate more actions that are time specific, one-offs.  The idea being that SC help set the target, generate the ideas and then delegate out roles/work to the membership.  This will ensure that membership can be more active in short bursts of time, using their key skills/knowledge. This will ensure Members have a working knowledge of GYG and are perhaps trained up to take over as a SC rep later on.
  • Membership details should be updated with skills/interests/knowledge/connections so that the SC knows who to go to when specific tasks/campaigns are generated.
  • Membership should keep SC informed of any important events/political updates in their country so that a global perspective can be generated by the SC for actions/campaigns and the SC can help share these updates amongst the entire membership.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about what I’ve written or just want to have a chat.

Kindest of Regards


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