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Dear Global Young Greens activists,

The Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) invites Global Young Greens (GYG) activists to participate in its Winter Camp. The Winter Camp will take place in (or near) Helsinki, Finland from 25 February to 3 March 2013.We encourage persons who strive to build the capacities of GYG and commit themselves to strengthen this global movement either on a regional or on the global level to apply. The participant(s) is/are encouraged to examine closely the institutional structure of FYEG and other organisations present at the Winter Camp.

We wish that the participant(s) explain(s) in a short motivational letter, what s/he thinks would be the benefit of their selection and participation for GYG and how s/he wants to use the experience that s/he will gain for strengthening the structures of GYG and its federations.

A road sign, welcoming guests to Helsinki. • Photo by: Mikael Albrecht (micke-fi on flickr) License: CC-BY

FYEG has a limited amount for travel costs. It is in our interest to use this amount to get as many participants as possible to the Winter Camp. Candidates who use the comparatively cheapest amount for traveling will be given preference. In that regard, this early publication will allow you to choose the cheapest means of travel possible. Please submit to us your means of travel and the costs involved (including visa costs). Please also note, that we shall not necessarily choose the participants with the lowest costs involved, but those whose participation will guarantee the best multiplier for GYG.

Please be also aware, that we cannot provide you with daily allowances, but only with travel costs and visa costs along with food and accomodation at the Winter Camp itself. The participants have to take care of other additional expenses. Moreover, the preparatory team of the Winter Camp is not in charge of organising your travel. It is up to you to organise the necessary arrangements.The deadline for the submission of your application is the 18th of November 2012 (12.00PM CET). Please use this Yeapsy to make your application:

Incomplete applications shall not be considered.

We are elated to have official GYG participants at the Winter Camp for the very first time. We are therefore looking forward to your interesting and creative ideas as well as compelling motivational letters.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Michael from the FYEG executive committee:

We hope to see you in Helsinki,

The Executive Committee of the Federation of Young European Greens and
the Steering Committee of the Global Young Greens

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