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International Youth Day 2012

“Partnering with Youth, Building a better world”

On this occasion of the International Youth Day, the Global Young Greens call on young people from all around the world to come together to build relationships and networks with one another. As the world continues to undergo rapid ecological, social and economic change, it is young people who are and will be impacted most by the path decision makers take today.

The future we inherit rests on our ability to unite together behind a common understanding of the challenges we face.

“The challenges facing youth around the world are varied and complex. Broadly, youth are often sidelined from the political process and have restricted social and economic opportunities. However, it is important to understand that not all youth are equal. Those from LDCs (Least Developed Countries) especially, as well as those from developing nations face additional challenges due to the gross inequality which exists in the world. Additionally, young women are often further disadvantaged and face additional challenges. We must not forget this as we work together to build a better future”, explained Rose Wachuka, African Steering Committee member of GYG

The challenge of bringing together young people from diverse local contexts and backgrounds should not be underestimated. However, the alternative of individuals and nations continuing to think within a narrow self-interested framework will ultimately compound existing challenges and reduce our collective ability to respond cooperatively in the future.

“Youth from all around the world, are realising more and more each day, that our shared future rests on our collective ability to find common ground. It is no longer about who is right or wrong; that is the mentality which is responsible for the current environmental, social and economic challenges we face today. We must continue to open dialogues with each other in an effort to reach mutual understanding and to foster cooperation. It is time to show decision makers, that youth are willing and able to think creatively to find solutions to the world’s most challenging problems, it’s time that we lead by example”, explained Alex Surace Asia-Pacific Steering Committee member of GYG and delegate to the ICMYO Taskforce

In September the Global Young Greens will be participating in the 8th ICMYO (International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organizations) meeting in Cairo, Egypt. It will be an opportunity to continue to build important networks between International Youth NGOs (INGYOs) and Regional Youth Platforms (RYPs) and develop strategies for cooperating in the future.

As the post Rio+20 and post 2015 Development Agenda processes begin and continue, the Global Young Greens will be working towards building a visionary and united youth advocacy platform, that is based on mutual understanding, respect and cooperation.

The Global Young Greens, guided by our shared principles of ecological sustainability, social justice and peace and non-violence, have a lot to offer the planet. As a diverse, passionate and visionary group of young people with a global vision, we will continue to be part of shaping the global agenda within the broader global youth movement.

Contact details:

Alex Surace
Steering Committee Global Young Greens
ICMYO Delegate


Rose Wachuka
Steering Committee
Global Young Greens


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