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The following is a list of resolutions passed at the 3rd Global Young Greens General Assembly on 29th March 2012.

Resolutions are being added as they are available.


  1. Resolution 1. GYG – FYEG Cooperation Agreement
  2. Resolution 2. Membership development initiative for the Steering Committee
  3. Resolution 3. Invitation to all youth wings of Global Greens Member Organizations
  4. Resolution 4. Global Youth for Sustainable Development in Rio+20
  5. Resolution 5. Global Democracy and support for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly
  6. Resolution 6. Global Young Greens supports the African Revolutions
  7. Resolution 7. Global Young Greens & Global Greens – Defining the relationship

Amendments to the Global Greens Charter

There was an opportunity for the Global Young Greens to propose amendments and to participate in the process of the revision of the Global Greens Charter. As our General Assembly occurred before the plenary of the Global Greens, there was an opportunity for the Global Young Greens to participate in workshops and breakout groups during the Global Greens Congress to propose amendments and provide feedback on suggested changes. As such, many of the amendments which the Global Young Greens were interested in seeing included in the Global Greens Charter were included through negotiation in the spirit of consensus.

However, the following amendment was proposed specifically by the Global Young Greens to the plenary of the Global Greens and is a demonstration of the importance of engaging youth in with the Global Green movement.

Global Young Greens amendment to Article 2.10 of the Global Greens Charter
The amendment was accepted by the plenary of the Global Greens

“The greens understand that the current form of financialised neoliberal capitalism aids the rich and is crisis prone. It contributed to growing inequality and dispossession of poor people.”

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