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Would you like to be a participant in a great event of putting sexual and reproductive rights into practice?

The 3rd Global Young Greens Congress in Dakar offers you the best platform to be part of a diverse group of young people interested and committed to demystify this topic and have fun while at it at the joint Workshop Sessions on Sexual and Reproductive Rights on 28th March 2012!


Sexual and Reproductive Rights; an In-depth discussion

Aims and Objectives

We aspire to achieve three (3) concrete objectives with this joint seminar session; an introduction to the topic with a focus on different backgrounds and best-practices; networking and awareness raising.

Target Group

Our main target is young political activists from all continents who are already active in their respective networks or interested in this theme.

Planned Sessions

Session 1-28th March 2012

Time: 9:30am-11:00am

Introduction Sexual and reproductive rights-

This workshop aims to explore and introduce the topic of sexual and reproductive rights. At this workshop, we want to focus on what the topics entails and how we can relate to the topic as participants. We also want to focus on different realities from Africa, Asia, America and Europe, which is why the workshop will be inclusive and participatory. Every participant will have a chance to relate the situation in their respective countries and/or continents.

Session 2-28th March 2012

Time 11:30am-1:00pm

Sexual violence and conflict

The aim of this session is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge about the social, political, economic and cultural aspects of sexual violence and conflict so that we can better understand the complex patterns of sexual violence and begin a comprehensive discussion of causes, consequences, and possible solutions.

The session will be exploring issues of:

• Sexual violence and ethnic conflicts,

• Sexual violence during times of war,

• Military rape,

• Domestic violence

• Rape of men in times of war-.

Session 3-28th March 2012


Raise your Voice – Social media Workshop-

This is a Beginners Workshop for young female activists who wish to raise awareness in gender topics or to reach a community of people who can brand their message without it costing us anything more than out time. We want to explore the ways to use social media to raise the voices of the youth and to create a forum where we can gain acceptance for ideas which would not be highlighted in the traditional media. This session will give an overview of possible media strategies, the use of Twitter, Blog and Facebook.

Session 4: 28th March 2012


Interactive space:

This space will be used to reflect on the discussions held, come up with a position paper or a GYG sexual and reproductive rights curriculum of activities. Share general knowledge and chart the way for follow up seminars and modes of post seminar communication.

Session 5- (Tentative)

Time to be announced later

Study Visit to a Women´s shelter

We want to visit a local women´s shelter in Dakar to learn more about the current situation of the theme at the local level. By this visit, we want to connect the theoretical workshops to practical occurrences. The aim is to establish new contacts for further cooperation and exchange and to give the possibility to network with the local and regional actors on the subject.

Kindly register your interest to be part of these sessions at the registration desk once you get to Dakar!!

“If we care enough for humanity, we will do anything in our power to protect the very rights that form the core of human existence. Without the recognition and protection of sexual and reproductive rights, all other rights stand at a compromise!” Rose-KYG

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