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Call for the Global Young Greens Steering Committee

During the Congress, a new Steering Committee for the network will be elected. This call is to inform you of the role of the Steering Committee and the process for nominating and election of the Steering Committee.

What is the GYG Steering Committee?

The Steering Committee is the second highest decision-making body of the network, after a Congress. Its primary responsibility is to implement decisions of the Congress and to steer the network on behalf of its members. In between Congresses the Steering Committee is the highest decision making body of GYG, which is why it is important to have experienced and active people involved. The Steering Committee is regionally and gender balanced, with each region of the world having up to 4 members, 2 of which must be women.

How do we select the SC members?

The decision about candidates for the Steering Committee will be made during the 3rd GYG Congress. First, the regions will have an opportunity to select their Steering Committee using consensus. After the regional meetings, the Congress of GYG takes the binding vote on the SC composition, endorsing a regions selection or voting on candidates if consensus was not reached.

How to apply?

You should complete this candidate statement and send it with your picture as soon as possible.

Your candidate statement should explain your experience, motivation and include a description of how you want to participate in developing the GYG. You should make reference to page 1 of the candidate statement document which outlines some of the skills you need to be an effective SC member.

Preferably return the candidate statement at least one week before the Congress (this does not prevent from become candidate at the Congress), as this will allow us to distribute your interest to others at the Congress early on. Applications may be uploaded to the website and distributed via email.

At least 50% of the candidates as well as the future members of the Steering Committee must be women. Therefore we especially encourage women to apply.

Please note, that GYG will not be able to support the candidates with their travel costs. Therefore, you are responsible to organise your own travel to the Congress.

More information please contact

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