Dear Green Friends!
In March 2012, the Global Young Greens will have their third Congress, connected to the Global Greens Congress, in Dakar, Senegal.
Global Young Greens (GYG) is an NGO which enables young people from all over the world to work together to save the environment and to fight for social justice, grassroots democracy and peace.
GYG was founded during the first GYG Congress in Nairobi, Kenya in 2007. The second congress was organised in Berlin, Germany in 2010, with great success. The third congress is currently being organised by an international preparation team.
What happens at the congress?
- We continue to build internal democratic processes, transfer organisational knowledge and build a framework for future action by adopting political papers and electing a new Steering Committee.
- We plan to discuss, improve our understanding of and influence on the topics of democracy, sustainable energy supply, economy and especially gender and sexual rights.
- We want to support, raise the capacities and empower the participation and activity of our members, especially those within Africa.
What does all this have to do with you?
We would like to ask for your contribution, which is essential to make the congress happen! There are three possibilities to support the GYG Congress:
- You can support us financially. There will be 80 participants from all over the world attending the congress, few of whom are able to finance their travelling costs. That is why we are appealing to you to assist us. In doing so you can directly support the young people and also allow them to take part to the Global Greens congress.
Bank Details
Bank: ING Belgi ING Belgique ING Belgium
Account holder: Global Young Greens
IBAN: BE31 3751 0288 5555
Global Young Greens
c/o FYEG
31 Rue Wiertz, B- Brussels 1050
- You are welcome to participate to the congress as a guest or as a speaker! If you like, you can help us in organising or financing speakers for the topical workshops of the congress. We will have several workshops and expert lectures on the topics mentioned above, and we would be grateful for your help in organising them.
- You can spread the information of the congress. Not everybody who could be interested in GYG knows about us. That is why we would like you to spread the word of the organisation as well as of the event to as many people as possible. If you have further ideas of people or organisations which might be interested in supporting us, please let us know!
We would welcome any further or alternative suggestions for supporting us, that you may have or prefer. Many thanks for your contribution! If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact us!
your international preparatory team of the GYG Congress in Dakar