Join our Communication and public relations team!

Global Young Greens are organizing the amazing 3rd GYG Congress in Dakar, Senegal.

The Steering Committee and the International Prep Team are working hard in fundraising, mobilisation, preparing the program, etc. You can find more information at our congress page.

But we’d like to ask YOU for more support.

Organising a GYG congress is a lot of fun but also a lot of work. To get everything done in time we need a lot of helping hands. So we are looking for volunteers who are eager to support us.

Below you can see an overview of tasks we need your support for. All you have to do is send us an email to and tell us which task you want to do.

Of course you can still send us an email and tell us about your skills or how you believe you can help us.

We can not pay you money, but you will at the congress you will get the feeling of being part of an awesome green event!

We really appreciate your help!


Sign up for …

Helping hands Congress Preparation

  • Workshop Open Space

Do you want to organise an interesting workshop during our Open Space Workshop session? Have look at our congress page there you can find our application form.

Workshop Open Space – Thursday 27th March 2012

  • Mareike: Workshop topic: Women´s lounge. Let´s talk about *** baby.
  • Anna: Workshop topic: Guerilla Marketing, how to mobilize in a different way?

Helping hands in Dakar

  • Reception & Registration

We need 6 people who will help with the registration of the participants. Answer questions and help our paricipants at the venue.

Already registred volunteers:

Wednesday 27th March 2011

  • Mareike
  • Anna
  • Pau

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