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Call GYG Webmaster

Dear GYG Network,

we all love GYG. But now needs GYG your help. We are looking for a webmaster. Our next congress in Dakar 2012 is quite soon that’s why we are looking for someone who is interested to help us with all the social media and design stuff.

Your tasks as webmaster will consist in taking care of the GYG internet platform and assisting the Prep Team with it, releasing the Prep Team and the SC from doing things such as:

  • Production of flyers, website design and a corporate design for the next Congress
  • Managing the main website, email lists, forums, wiki, social networks.
  • Correcting mistakes, solving problems, fixing stuff.
  • Helping MOs to use our online tools and support them.

If you feel concerned, fill in the registration form and send the form to The deadline is already the 7th of October 2011. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it I’ll be happy to answer any questions and will try to do it quickly.

Green wishes,



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