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Recent explosion of different events around the globe, like hyperactivity of Wikileaks, expansion of social networks, related violations of rights to privacy, suppression of freedoms of expression and press – controversial media laws, lead the Board of Ecosprinter to a proposal of a new topic for a serie of articles, therefore:

The Board of Ecosprinter invites you to contribute to our web-magazine with an article dealing with various aspects of:

Democracy and mass media

Human rights – censorship – transparency – (direct) democracy – social media and networks – net neutrality are only few examples of a short brainstorming on this issue.

Feel free to express yourself for Ecosprinter and its readers.

Put your opinion/story/experience into a form of an article and send it to us!

The deadline for sending all articles (or maybe videos/pictures etc) to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it is March 11, 2011.

Do not hesitate to share this call with your friends and colleagues who could be interested.

Best wishes from the Board of Ecosprinter!

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