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The objective of this GYG conference was to bring together the next generation- or as many as possible- of young Green activists and explore the possibility of working together globally. Inspired by the Global Young Greens conference of 2001, in 2005 members of the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG), Campus Greens USA, and many young Green groups and individuals began discussing via email holding another conference. In 2006 Caroline Ayling and Maarten Coertjens began working out of the FYEG office in Brussels and that year many wonderful people became actively involved. Thomas Millen traveled to Nairobi for three months prior to the conference to organise on the ground; Janna Schönfeld made mammoth contributions to the financial and political aspects of the meeting, and Paul Santman stoically took care of registrations and fund raising, communications and design. In addition to these people, literally hundreds of young people around the world contributed in various ways- writing fund raising applications, contributing to the political foundation through wiki and the mailing list, holding preparation meetings and more. We can’t mention everyone’s names here, but those who put time and effort and great belief into GYG, you should be very proud. The steering committee wishes to particularly thank the Babel team of translators who worked so hard towards common understandings before and during the conference.

Thanks also to the volunteers from the MF Hostel and USIU, who treated the invasion of young Greens with good grace and provided fantastic assistance and input. The highest credit and gratitude must go to the supporters who enabled this project to go ahead. GYG would like to loudly and proudly thank: the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Swedish Green forum, the Green Belt Movement of Kenya, the Manzingira Green party, the Green Group in the European Parliament, in particular Marie-Hélène Aubert, Alain Lipietz, Carl Schlyter, Michael Cramer, Frithjof Schmidt and David Hammerstein, the European Green party and all the guest speakers in our opening and closing ceremonies; the national parties who gave generously, in particular the French, Austrian and Italian and Australian Green parties; and finally, to each and every organisation and individual who contributed. This humble thank you card is for you!

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