Join our Communication and public relations team!

This is a preliminary program. If you have further ideas on what to include please contact the prepteam (gyg-congress (ät) Maybe you would like to do a workshop or you know a good speaker? Write us! The general guideline for the Congress will be the topic of “Global Green New Deal – Youth Power for a Global Green Change”.


Sunday, 8th of August:

Getting to know each other/ Check in @ Hostel  


Monday, 9th of August:

10.00 AM Welcome, History of the Global Young Greens and Introduction into procedures of the congress  
1.00 AM Lunch  
2.00 PM Workshops (more)  
4.00 PM Getting to know each other by introducing home continents. Interactive Painting.  
6.00 PM Dinner  
From 8.00 PM Reception with German Green Party  


Tuesday, 10th of August:

10.00 AM Morning Meeting (short lecture, what happened, what will happen?)  
11.00 AM Regional Meetings  
1.00 PM Lunch  
2.00 PM Regional Meetings  
4.00 PM Open Space (more)  
6.00 PM Snacks  
7.00 PM Paneldiscussion: (more)

 Possibilities of sustainable production and living of small scale farmers?“

(Open to the public; organized by Heinrich Böll Foundation)

8.30 PM Reception by Heinrich Böll Foundation  


Wendesday, 11th of August:

10.00 AM Morning Meeting (short lecture, what happened, what will happen?)  
11.00 AM Workshops (more)  
1.00 PM Lunch  
2.00 PM City-tour  
6.00 PM Dinner  
8.00 PM Paneldiscussion: (more)

 Do we need a more ecological system or a fully new one?

(Open to the public; organized by Heinrich Böll Foundation)

From 9.30 PM Bars or Movie  


Thursday, 12th of August:

10.00 AM Morning Meeting  
11.00 AM General Assembly (more)  
1.00 PM Lunch  
2.00 PM General Assembly (more)  
6.00 PM Dinner  
20.00-21:30PM Paneldiscussion: (more)

Green New Deal“

(with the Group of Green European Parlamentarians)

From 9.30PM Bars or Movie  


Friday, 13th of August:

10.00 AM Morning Meeting (short lecture, what happened, what will happen?)  
11.00 AM General Assembly (election of the steering committee) (more)  
1.00 PM Lunch  
2.00 PM Action in Berlin City:

Plant the Trees for a green Future

6.00 PM Dinner  
From 9:00 Party  


Saturday, 14th of August:


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