Dear Green Friends,
We, the Steering Committee of the Global Young Greens, want to invite you to come join us in Berlin in August. We want to get to know you or, if you are already involved with the GYG, get back together with you in person, along with 150 other young green activists.
The Congress will be an excellent opportunity to further strengthen the network of GYG, to exchange best-practice examples from our different political backgrounds and discuss common points of interest.
We are preparing some very interesting Workshops, Panel-Discussions, Fishbowl, a City-Tour and much, much, more for you. We want to learn from each other and be inspiring to the global green movement. We want to discuss together whether the Northern concept of a “Global Green New Deal” can be a strategy for the Global South as well or how do we have to transform the idea in order to make the entire human race gain from it.
The Congress aims to find a unifying strategy on how to best proceed with the network. A new Steering Committee will be elected in Berlin. We want to hear your opinion on this matter before deciding in consensus. Come to Berlin and do not hesitate to engage in the discussions beforehand on the mailing-lists or the GYG-forum.
Big gatherings of young people have always been opportunities to find new friends, new perspectives and better solutions to our common problems. This is an incredible experience which every one of you should have! So come to Germany in person or elect delegates for your organization and be part of GYG!
We are looking forward to seeing you in Berlin,
Elena, Hannah, Mariana, Niamh, Sarah, Andi, Douglas, Eric, Georg, Murtaza, and Raju