Our fourth congress will be the kick-off for relaunching GYG as a truly global network as well as for making the organization more efficient, active, and politically relevant than ever before. The support from established Green Parties will be crucial to make our congress a success.
Here is how Green Parties can support young Green present at Greens2017:
- Include a Young Greens in your delegation
All countries can send a delegation of three people to the Global Greens congress. In line with the advises from the Global Greens, we are kindly asking you to include at least one young person in your delegation. This way, young Greens will be represented both in the Global Greens as in the Global Young Greens congress.
- Donate to GYG or support a concrete young delegate
If your party has sufficient funds, please consider donating to the Global Young Greens or funding a concrete young delegate from the Global South. To this end, we are happy to pair you with a concrete young green organisation. Read here more on how the pairing works. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information at zuzana@globalyounggreens.org. Please not that all donors and supporters are listed on our website. For more on our donation policy, please read here.
- Spread the word and share your tips and tricks with us
Sharing is caring. If you know about foundations or individuals who might be willing to support our cause, we will be happy to be put in touch. At the same time, we would highly appreciate if you were willing to spread our call for funding on social media, among members of your Green Party or with potential supporters.
If you have ny questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us for more information at zuzana@globalyounggreens.org.
Thank you for considering our request!