GYG & Global Youth Advocacy Update

In September a couple of important meetings took place in New York with significant involvement from the Global Young Greens. As Co-Chair of the planning committee for the Inter-Agency Network on Youth and Development (IANYD) Open Meeting with Youth Organisations and as an organiser of the annual International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organisations (ICMYO).

Both meetings brought youth led organisations together. The IANYD meeting explored ways youth led organisations could work with UN Agencies in the implementation of their Youth System Wide Action Plan (SWAP). The ICMYO meeting focused on developing the global youth advocacy agenda and resulted in some significant progress being made in how ICMYO will continue to advocate and represent the voice of young people in global processes and beyond.

The Global Young Greens will be continuing in our role as a member of the ICMYO Taskforce as part of our commitment to strengthening the role of youth led organisations in global youth processes and to support spaces for collaboration and networking. We hope to share more news with you shortly about how this work develops, especially to find opportunities for our members to become more actively involved in the outcomes of both meetings.

For any specific questions please contact Alex Surace from the Global Young Greens Steering Committee who has been involved in these processes on behalf of the network:

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