The Global Young Greens are a network of young people, most of them with only little ressources apart form their energy and imagination.
In order to keep the network alive, we have to be supported by Green organisations, Parliamentarians and Companies. Especially the upcoming Congress in Berlin will cost a big amount. In regard to this event, we wish to thank those following:
- Heinrich Böll Stiftung
- The European Commission
- Green European Foundation
- Green Group in the European Parliament
- The Australian Greens
- Die Grünen – Green Party of Austria
- Bündnis’90 / Die Grünen
- Grüne Jugend Bundesverband
- Green Party of Graz
- Junge Grüne /Junge Alternative Austria
- Grüne Jugend Berlin
- Young Greens Luxembourg
- Asturian Young Greens
- Grüne Bildungswerkstatt
- Grünalternative Jugend Steiermark
- Jan Albrecht (MEP)
- Ska Keller (MEP)
- Franziska Brantner (MEP)
- Ulrike Lunacek (MEP)
- Isabella Lövin (MEP)
- Catherine Grèze (MEP)
- Martin Häusling (MEP)
- Manuel Sarrazin (MdB)
- Ingrid Nestle (MdB)
- Katja Dörner (MdB)
- Ute Koczy (MdB)
- Viola von Cramon (MdB)
- Sven-Christian Kindler (MdB)
- Katja Keul (MdB)
- Verena Schäffer (MdL)
- Helge Limburg (MdL)
- Matti Bolte (MdL)
- Sepp Kusstatscher
- Martin Margulies
- Monika Vana
- Helene Jarmer
- Claudia Smolik
- Eva Lachkovic
- Stefan Schneider
- Judith Schwentner
Further supporters on a continuing base are:
The GYG would also like to thank external sponsors of the Congress: