Early in the morning the group left to visit a tree planting project of the Green Belt Movement. In an attempt to offset some of the carbon emissions generated by the conference, organisers arranged for a “GYG forest” of a thousand trees to be planted. However, as January is the wrong season for planting in Nairobi, we could only plant a few and have the others planted later.
So it was a ceremonial occasion, but also a wonderful opportunity to see first hand the work of the Green Belt Movement. After a walk in the forest, each region planted a different species of tree to establish the GYG forest. Thanks goes to Green Belt for arranging this activity and for their continuing work towards a greener Kenya.
Participants returned two hours later in the afternoon than anticipated, which unfortunately meant the afternoon’s program had to be cut down. We had a series of workshops scheduled, and while they still went ahead, it was with severe time restrictions. Even so, the energy during these sessions was amazing. After spending so long focusing on the organisation of GYG, it was great to focus on the issues that motivate us to be young Greens in the first place. Not only this, but there are not too many opportunities to discuss these things with twenty or so other young people from across the globe.
Participants responded really well to having the opportunity to speak about subjects they are passionate about.
The workshop themes were:
- Health and ethics in the supermarket age
- Climate change, Green energy and transport
- Focus on Africa
- Electoral campaigning and media skills
- Water problems and solutions
- Gender and GYG
- Critical health: HIV/AIDS and the GYG response
- How GYG will communicate and disseminate
- Youth advocacy: formulating a GYG method
- Starting/running a political group or NGO
At the close of the day, a brief plenary session was held and voting methods agreed on.