The Global Young Greens congress committee is composed of a diverse group of young people from different regions of the world who are passionate about environmental and social justice issues. These dedicated young activists have joined forces to plan and organise the upcoming Global Young Greens congress, which will be held in South Korea from 8 to 11 June.


Florian is a policy advisor on Children, Youth and Apprenticeship for the Green Group in the Vienna City Council and a district councillor. He is also active in international green politics and student politics, taking part in multiple events and council meetings.

Georgina / Kenya

Georgina is the national youth co-chair for the Green Congress party in Kenya. She is an advocate on issues of climate, teenagers, FGM, and GBV


Hema does research in environmental science in India. She represents USO in the Asia Pacific Young Green Network. Using any available social, political, or ecological tools, I wish to make a positive impact on society and the environment.​

Ivar / Norway

Ivar has been working for climate justice for eight years. In Norway, he campaigned for liveable green communities and for a just transition away from oil. He now studies Environmental Policy in Paris and is active in the Young French Greens. He is also a member of the Global Young Greens steering committee.

JAN / Germany​

Jan has been active with Grüne Jugend for 8 years and used to be a board member of the Lichtenberg district chapter of the Berlin Greens. During their Erasmus stay in Linköping, Sweden they joined Grön Ungdom. They is very invested in both European and International politics.


Javier a "creativist" (activism and creativity) advocating for social, climate, and gender justice. Originally from Mexico and now based in Paris, he has experience in European topics, particularly social and climate subjects.


Juliane is an independent volunteer for GYG. She is passionate about social and climate justice. Juliane wants to contribute to a just and sustainable society through research. Her current work focuses on the decarbonisation of healthcare systems.


Jung Lin is a co-founder of Taiwan Young Greens and involved in climate activism in Taiwan and also internationally. She has also a former steering committee member of GYG and has advocated for social and climate issues in East Asia. Her areas of interest also include gender equity, anti-racism, decolonization etc.

Liliane / Germany

Liliane is the treasurer of GYG and active in the Green Party and the Young Greens for 12 years and has expertise in international climate diplomacy, subnational diplomacy and international relations. She is a passionate feminist and social justice advocate. She works on climate justice and subnational diplomacy as well.

Navia / Lebanon

Navia is a Public Health and Development Science graduate and freelance environmental activist based in Lebanon. She works with several NGOs to promote the importance of safeguarding the environment in Lebanon and around the world, and to highlight the positive and long-lasting effects it can have on health.

Timon / USA

Timon (currently PhD student in psychology) is specializing in the connection between the climate and mental health. He is a former co-chair and international secretary of Jong Groen. Furthermore, he has extensive experience in alignment between different member organizations, facilitating sessions (with a strong emphasis on DEI), and organizing (climate) activities.
