Global Young Greens strongly condemn the arrest of Disha Ravi on February 13th. Disha Ravi is a 21 year old Climate Activist and founder of Fridays for Future India. Disha Raviwas put behind the bars for just supporting the farmers protest in India and mobilising international climate activists to come in support of farmers.
Farmers have been protesting at the borders of the national capital for almost 90 days now and the Indian government claimed that Disha Ravi created a social media toolkit for a global conspiracy against India, while the toolkit stated its aim was “to enable anyone unfamiliar with the ongoing farmers protests in India to better understand the situation and make decisions on how to support the farmers based on their own analysis.”
We as the Global Young Greens demand unconditional release of Disha Ravi, from her unjust arrest. By putting charges of sedition on Disha Ravi and two other young activists for “so called toolkit” it is clear that the government is mainly targeting the youth who are coming in support of the farmers protest. As young people it is sad to see how the Indian government is handling the young people who are fighting for their future.